Hassan-Aly Family
“There are so many things we love about The Parks of West Bedford. We moved here expecting to be close to the schools, which I heard were some of the best in the city. We fell in love with the fact that there are so many other young families here just like us, and we are always seeing families playing outdoors!
Also, the launch of the new express route makes my ride to and from work that much easier since I work downtown. Finally, the fact that we are surrounded by woods, lakes, and trails (with more trails on the way!) makes living here that much more pleasant!”
Meet the neighbours, Rammi Hassan, Abbeer Aly, and their adorable daughter Yasmine Hassan. This lovely family found their fit in The Parks of West Bedford. Rammi owns his own dental practice and Abeer is an English as Another Language teacher with ISANS. When they aren’t busy at work, their family enjoys visiting the nearby park and recharging on the peaceful walking trails. The Parks of West Bedford is designed with your work-life balance in mind. Find connection here.